

Terpander is a native poet and musician born in Antissa in Lesvos. He is said to have invented a seven-stringed instrument called ‘kithara’ (meaning guitar). At the 26th Olympiad held in Sparta, Terpander won a prize with that instrument, …



The historian Theophanes (100 B.C.) from the Roman era was born in Mitilini. He accompanied Pompei in his military operations in Asia Minor and wrote an account of them and Pompei in return, accorded him the rights of a …



One of the Seven Sages of antiquity was Pittakos, and he was from Mitilini (648 B.C). He was devoted to public service and was associated with the aristocracy. He fought in many wars and eventually he became a General. …



The most famous person who ever lived on the island of Lesvos is Sappho, Greece’s lyric poet. Very little is known about Sappho’s life and what is known is disputed. Scholars agree that she wrote 9 books of poetry, …

Writers – Poets

Writers – Poets

Pittakos is considered to be one of the seven wise men of antiquity. Ellanikos from Mytilene the historian and Theophrastus from Eresos the philosopher, successor of Aristotle, have been two of the most renowned men in ancient …

Municipality of Mitilini

Municipality of Mitilini

The municipality of Mitilini comprises Mitilini, Agia Marina, Taxiarhis Panagiouda, Pamfila, Afalonas, Alyfanda, Loutra and Moria.
Mitilini is the capital of the island and is a city with more than 30.000 citizens and it is 188 nautical …