Lesvos Safari tours

Lesvos Safari tours

Lesvos Safari Tours organizes and structures Tours and Outdoor activities on the island 12 months a year, enabling the intrepid independent traveller, family, group or other to …

General Info

General Info

Lesvos is set on the north ??? eastern part of the Aegean, right before the entranceway of the Adramyti Gulf, near the Minor ??? Asian coast. Third in size in Greece, after Crete and Euboea, Lesvos covers a …

Culture in Lesvos

Culture in Lesvos

Lyric poetry is represented in Lesvos by Sapfo and Alcaeos. Besides writing romantic and convivial poetry, Alcaeos was exiled in Pyrra, Lydia and Egypt because of the political character of many of his poems. The rich poetic …