Culture in Lesvos

Culture in Lesvos

Lyric poetry is represented in Lesvos by Sapfo and Alcaeos. Besides writing romantic and convivial poetry, Alcaeos was exiled in Pyrra, Lydia and Egypt because of the political character of many of his poems. The rich poetic work of Alcaeos includes poems written in different occasions while having completely diverse content: hymns to gods and heroes, as well as mythological themes, poems referring to contemporary political conditions, poems of an agonistic tone, hatred and animosity, delight over victories and despair over defeats. He would also write philosophic and love songs or even songs suitable for ???drinking?? occasions. Several influences of his songs can be traced in the comments, indicating that they must have been extremely popular among the Attics. He wielded a great impact on Oratios. The general appreciation he enjoyed resulted in his inclusion in the lyric poets??? Canon that contained nine classics who were honoured and greatly appreciated by the Alexandrian scholars