Modern Times

Modern Times

On November 8, 1912, Mytilene was liberated by the Admiral P. Koundouriotis, who came with a squadron of the Greek fleet led by the battle ship Averof . Koundouriotis called upon the Turks to surrender the town within two hours. The Turkish military governor asked for 24 hours but Koundouriotis refused. Before long, the landing of the Greek troops on the stone steps began and the Greek flag was raised on the Turkish government building. The liberation of the island was completed at the battle of Klapados. Finally, Lesvos was ceded to Greece by the Treaties of London and Athens in 1914. Greek rights to the island were recognised by the Treaties of Sevres and Lausanne in 1923, when with the exchange of populations, the last Turks left the island. During World War II the Germans came to Lesvos on May 4 1941 and the island became again free on September 10, 1944.