The ancient theatre

The ancient theatre

At the north hill of Mitilini in a pine clad area, opposite to the castle is located the ancient theatre of Mitilini. It was built during the Hellenistic period, repaired during the Roman times and today is saved the most recent phase, dated the late Roman times. During the excavations carried out in 1958 by the archeologist D. Evangelidis, were revealed the cyclical orchestra and the theatre???s horseshoe shaped cavea, of an estimated capacity of about 15.000 spectators. The excavations uncovered the ruins of an altar dedicated to the priestess Potamille, and a fragmented and headless statue of the priestess, inscriptions, an arm of a more than life-size statue, and a drainage system employing clay pipes. When in 62 B.C. the Roman general Pompius visited Mitilini, he was so astonished by the theatre that he ordered an identical one to be built in Rome. Moreover the acoustics of the theatre is excellent